In YummyShots we love the fact that other countries are looking at Mexico and its tradition. If you didn´t know, we are a Mexican based candy company, so we love our celebrations, our traditions, getting together, and we having fun with our loved ones.
For all this, we bring you our top fun facts of Día de Muertos so we can all have fun while honoring our culture.
Día de Muertos is not Halloween
Did you know that a lot of places in Mexico we celebrate both Halloween and Día de Muertos? This is because is not the same thing. You probably know all about Halloween (Oct, 31), but Día de Muertos (Nov 1st and 2nd) is a two day celebration when we get together and honor the life our loved ones that passed away.

El Día de Muertos has a history that goes back more than 2000 years
Día de Muertos is a celebration that originated in ancient Mesoamerica (Mexico and northern Central America) where indigenous groups would commemorate those who had passed away. Today is still a very important day in Mexico as well as Latin-American countries like Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador and Guatemala.

It´s a celebration of life, not death
A big part of the celebration is remembering the life of our departed ones. So yes, there is music, and dance, all that our loved one would like to listen and dance to. A temporary altar is the center of the gathering where you will see pictures and important articles of the dead with their favorite food and drinks know as ofrendas (offerings). So yes, you´ll see a lot of tequila and mezcal.
Hope you enjoy getting to know a bit more about our culture. Remember that YummyShots makes any celebration better. Cheer the great lives of your loved ones with your YummyShots.